Scarborough Food Pantry
The Scarborough Food Pantry provides food to those in need. Parishioners donate non-perishable items on an ongoing basis. St. Nick’s plants and harvests one of three community vegetable gardens for distribution at the Pantry. Jane Ducott is St. Nick’s contact person. For more information, go to www.scarboroughfoodpantry.weebly.com

Parishioners participate in an annual Maine fundraising event, originally a community event titled “We Walk with Haiti." With the experience of COVID, the event was changed to a virtual one, with a broader approach. In 2023, STAND WITH HAITI. MOVE WITH KONBIT garnered much support from St Nicholas members. Several of us also volunteer at the local Konbit Sante medical supply warehouse. Nancy Nickerson is St. Nick’s contact person. For more information, go to www.konbitsante.org.
Book and Bake Sale
Parishoners recently held a book and bake sale with the proceeds going to support the Jubilee Center at Trinity Church in Lewiston.

St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center
St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center is a mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine which provides essential non-food items to a low-income, largely immigrant population in Greater Portland. St. Nick’s is one of seven churches that sponsor the Center. Parishioners donate items, make financial contributions, and volunteer on St. Nick’s designated distribution day. Jane Ducott is St. Nick’s contact person. For more information go to https://stelizabethsmaine.org
Equal Exchange
Equal Exchange is a Massachusetts-based worker-owned company which helps support living wages for coffee and chocolate producers in Latin America and beyond, as well as sustainable agriculture and a fairer economic system. St. Nick’s purchases coffee for Fellowship Coffee Hour and chocolate for fundraisers for Konbit Sante. Nancy Nickerson is St. Nick’s contact person. For more information, go to www.equalexchange.coop
Maine Green Power
The Maine Green Power program is an optional opportunity to support electricity generated from Maine-based renewable sources (biomass, hydro, wind). Individual parishioners “adopt a month” to cover the additional monthly cost throughout the year. For more information, go to www.megreenpower.com.
Project G.R.A.C.E.
Project G.R.A.C.E. (Granting Resources and Assistance through Community Effort) is a Scarborough-based volunteer non-profit organization, based on the premise “Neighbor helping neighbor”. Parishioners have contributed to Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets and Backpacks/School Supplies collections. For more information, go to www.projectgracemaine.weebly.com.