Committed to Spiritual Growth and Community Outreach
Welcome to St. Nicholas Episcopal Church!
We are a vibrant, diverse, and open congregation. Through thoughtful sermons and educational programming, we support one another in our respective spiritual journeys. Our worship is informal but sincere, structured but relaxed, and participatory. Ways in which we serve God in the world include addressing food insecurity in the community, providing clothing especially for recent immigrants and asylum seekers, and supporting healthcare in Haiti.
We hope you will join us for Sunday worship either in-person (masks optional) or on Zoom at 9:30am. For the link to join the service, email stnicksmaine@gmail.com.
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Scarborough, the Sokokis Abenaki past and present and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Sokokis Tribe.
St Nicholas Church is wheelchair accessible. This includes our sanctuary, gathering room (for fellowship and other uses), and our restrooms. People are able to participate in worship and other aspects of the life of the church, as well as attend other events held at our church. Bulletins are emailed in advance, and all Sunday services are accessible live on Zoom.
St. Nicholas’ Quilt Project
After attending a clergy retreat presented by Dr Catherine Meeks, our deacon, The Rev. Ann O'Sullivan, suggested the idea of making a St Nick's quilt. The project allowed us to share our stories, recognize our commonalities and differences, and gave us an opportunity to celebrate who we are as a community. Our St Nick's family enthusiastically embraced the project. After a blessing of the finished quilt by our priest, The Rev. Ted Gaiser, during Sunday worship, we celebrated together by sharing our stories and highlighting this exciting journey we've been on in a festive coffee hour. Our quilting team of Patty Robinson, Yvonne Wentz, and Nancy Agan did an amazing job! We are truly blessed indeed!
Worship at Saint Nicholas Church is grounded in the Book of Common Prayer and is enriched by other resources, especially those created by the commission of the Episcopal Church responsible for liturgy and music.
Learn more about the Scarborough Community Garden
Fr. Ted Gaiser
Meet our Priest-in-Charge Father Ted Gaiser.
We seek to nurture a community that, inspired by the loving kindness of Jesus Christ, welcomes all people, worships God, discerns God’s will for us individually and collectively, and responds to the needs of the world through concern for hunger, peace and social justice.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.